Discover Your Empowered Score

And how you can develop to fulfil your potential


According to the UN, the average woman is empowered to fulfil only about 60% of her potential and we have been unable to find a stat for the ethnically diverse. So the question is, how empowered are you to fulfil yours? 


Find out your empowered score now. See how equipped you are to achieve success and happiness. 


We achieve what we believe is possible. That's true in our career, business and life. The Empowered Score Quiz ranks you against the 6 key criteria essential to being an empowered individual.

Knowledge is power. In about 5 minutes, you will have identified key strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for your growth.

You'll then receive action steps and recommendations based on your score to enable you to advance. You'll also be offered fantastic COMPLIMENTARY opportunities valued at almost £300 to take advantage of. Complete the quiz now for more details.

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